@article{oai:tohoku-mpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000874, author = {田村, 友梨奈 and Tamura, Yurina and 日野, 洋明 and Hino, Hiroaki and 森, 建文 and Mori, Takefumi and 渡邊, 卓嗣 and Watanabe, Takashi and 大内, 竜介 and Ouchi, Ryusuke and 薄井, 健介 and Usui, Kensuke and 藤村, 茂 and Fujimura, Shigeru and 岡田, 浩司 and Okada, Kouji}, issue = {69}, journal = {東北医科薬科大学研究誌, Journal of Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University}, month = {Dec}, note = {Introduction of hemodialysis in patients with chronic kidney disease bring about changes in their pharmacokinetics. Patients with chronic kidney disease often use combinations with multiple medications to treat complications; however, adverse drug events may occur if the same medication as that used before introducing hemodialysis is continued. Polypharmacy is a condition in which multiple medications lead to increased risk of adverse drug reactions, medication errors, and decreased medication adherence. Therefore, correcting polypharmacy is essential for appropriate pharmaceutical management to avoid risk. Here, we report a case of a pharmacist contributing to correction of polypharmacy during the introduction of hemodialysis. In this case, we were involved in blood pressure management and other aspects, which led to appropriate prescription from the perspective of avoiding adverse drug events and discontinuing unnecessary medications. Appropriate pharmaceutical management such as that provided in this case can contribute to maintain or improve quality of life; accumulation of such reports will contribute to appropriate medication in the elderly.}, pages = {41--46}, title = {血液透析導入時の薬剤師の関わりがポリファーマシーの是正に寄与した一例}, year = {2022}, yomi = {タムラ, ユリナ and ヒノ, ヒロアキ and モリ, タケフミ and ワタナベ, タカシ and オオウチ, リュウスケ and ウスイ, ケンスケ and フジムラ, シゲル and オカダ, コウジ} }