@article{oai:tohoku-mpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000817, author = {渡部, 俊彦 and Watanabe, Toshihiko and 伊藤, 邦郎 and Itoh, Kunio and 高橋, 央宜 and Takahashi, Ohgi and 米澤, 章彦 and Yonezawa, Akihiko}, issue = {67}, journal = {東北医科薬科大学研究誌, Journal of Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University}, month = {Dec}, note = {At the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University, an introductory seminar on pharmaceutical sciences is held during the first year. As part of this seminar, disability simulations have been performed to experience partial dysfunction in the body. This study compared the educational effects of disability simulations involving(FY2017-FY2019)and not involving(FY2020)direct physical contact on students. Quantitative text analysis of these reports revealed high frequencies of 2 words, "burdensome" and "inconvenient," in all years. The rate of students using "burdensome" or "inconvenient" in their reports after disability simulations was 75.1% in FY2017, 78.4% in FY2018, 76.4% in FY2019, and 74.1% in FY2020. Furthermore, words associated with increased risks were frequently used after disability simulations involving direct physical contact, and the rate of students using these words was 77.3% in FY2017, 75.4% in FY2018, and 74.4% in FY2019. In contrast, in FY2020 without experience-based learning involving such contact, the rate was 8.4%. on graphically interpreting a co-occurrence network diagram, words associated with increased risks, such as"anxiety" and "fear," co-occurred with "walk" and "see," confirming that aging and visual impairment simulations to experience walking with low or loss of vision help students consider increased risks in people with physical disabilities.}, pages = {61--68}, title = {計量テキスト分析法を用いたハンディキャップ体験の教育効果の解析}, year = {2020}, yomi = {ワタナベ, トシヒコ and イトウ, クニオ and タカハシ, オウギ and ヨネザワ, アキヒコ} }