@article{oai:tohoku-mpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000790, author = {渡部, 俊彦 and Watanabe, Toshihiko and 薄井, 健介 and Usui, Kensuke and 河野, 資 and Kawano, Tasuku and 西川, 陽介 and Nishikawa, Yosuke and 岡田, 浩司 and Okada, Kouji and 鈴木, 裕之 and Suzuki, Hiroyuki and 林, 貴史 and Hayashi, Takafumi and 諸根, 美恵子 and Morone, Mieko and 伊藤, 邦郎 and Itoh, Kunio and 小嶋, 文良 and Ojima, Fumiyoshi and 高橋, 知子 and Takahashi, Tomoko and 大河原, 雄一 and Ohkawara, Yuichi and 佐藤, 厚子 and Sato, Atsuko and 米澤, 章彦 and Yonezawa, Akihiko}, issue = {66}, journal = {東北医科薬科大学研究誌, Journal of Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University}, month = {Dec}, note = {This study evaluated the effectiveness of a physical assessment skill-building workshop to accurately differentiate the abnormal states from normal state of heart, lung, and bowel sounds, and light reflexes. The workshop targeted pharmacists without experience participating in physical assessment skill training. On evaluation, it was regarded as effective when the accurate differentiation rate was 70% or higher. Skills to assess heart sounds were examined using 4 simulators(normal and abnormal S3/S4 sounds, and heart murmurs).The workshop was found to be effective for abnormal S3 sounds and heart murmurs related to differentiation between normal and abnormal heart sounds. On examination of skills to classify abnormal heart sounds among those who were able to differentiate between normal and abnormal heart sounds, the workshop was found to be effective for heart murmurs. Skills to assess lung sounds were examined using 4 simulators(normal sounds, crackling, wheezing, and bubbling).The workshop was found to be effective for all items related to differentiation between normal and abnormal lung sounds. On examination of skills to classify abnormal lung sounds among those who were able to differentiate between normal and abnormal lung sounds, the workshop was also found to be effective for all items. Skills to assess bowel sounds were examined using 4 simulators(normal, hyperactive, and hypoactive sounds,and subileus).The workshop was found to be effective for items related to the differentiation of normal and hyperactive bowel sounds, but many participants were unable to differentiate between hypoactive bowel sounds and subileus. Skills to assess light reflexes were examined using 4 simulators(normal reflex, mydriasis, miosis, and asymmetric reflex).The workshop was found to be effective for all items related to both differentiation between normal and abnormal light reflexes, and classification of the latter. This study revealed the difficulty in acquiring skills to differentiate heart sounds, and to differentiate between hypoactive bowel sounds and subileus among all physical assessment skills.}, pages = {67--74}, title = {薬剤師のためのフィジカルアセスメント実技研修会の教育効果の調査}, year = {2019}, yomi = {ワタナベ, トシヒコ and ウスイ, ケンスケ and カワノ, タスク and ニシカワ, ヨウスケ and オカダ, コウジ and スズキ, ヒロユキ and ハヤシ, タカフミ and モロネ, ミエコ and イトウ, クニオ and オジマ, フミヨシ and タカハシ, トモコ and オオカワラ, ユウイチ and サトウ, アツコ and ヨネザワ, アキヒコ} }