@article{oai:tohoku-mpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000786, author = {富田, 和男 and Tomita, Kazuo and 桑原, 義和 and Kuwahara, Yoshikazu and 五十嵐, 健人 and Igarashi, Kento and 高, 裕子 and Takashi, Yuko and 長澤, 大成 and Nagasawa, Taisuke and 山西, 沙祐里 and Yamanishi, Sayuri and 西谷, 佳浩 and Nishitani, Yoshihiro and 漆原, 佑介 and Urushihara, Yusuke and 宮脇, 正一 and Miyawaki, Shouichi and 栗政, 明弘 and Kurimasa, Akihiro and 福本, 学 and Fukumoto, Manabu and 佐藤, 友昭 and Sato, Tomoaki}, issue = {66}, journal = {東北医科薬科大学研究誌, Journal of Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University}, month = {Dec}, note = {Iron is the most abundant metal in our body, and is very important for vital phenomena such as oxygen transport in red blood cells. iron is involved not only in oxygen transport but also in collagen, DNA, and ATP synthesis. Therefore, lack of iron has an adverse effect on the cellular level. in addition, it has been reported if iron is excessive, carcinogenesis, diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases may occur. it has been also reported the sensitivity tooxidative stress was changed by intracellular and mitochondrial iron dynamics. we will discuss about the mechanism of incorporation of iron into the body, uptake and reuse of iron in the cell and mitochondria iron metabolism because mitochondria are the main iron-utilizing organelles in the cell.}, pages = {25--31}, title = {細胞内鉄動態と酸化ストレス抵抗性}, year = {2019}, yomi = {トミタ, カズオ and クワハラ, ヨシカズ and イガラシ, ケント and タカシ, ユウコ and ナガサワ, タイスケ and ヤマニシ, サユリ and ニシタニ, ヨシヒロ and ウルシハラ, ユウスケ and ミヤワキ, ショウイチ and クリマサ, アキヒロ and フクモト, マナブ and サトウ, トモアキ} }