@article{oai:tohoku-mpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000771, author = {高橋, 将典 and Takahashi, Masanori and 薄井, 健介 and Usui, Kensuke and 岡田, 浩司 and Okada, Kouji and 小暮, 高之 and Kogure, Takayuki and 佐藤, 賢一 and Satoh, Kennichi and 中村, 仁 and Nakamura, Hitoshi and 村井, ユリ子 and Murai, Yuriko and 渡辺, 善照 and Watanabe, Yoshiteru}, issue = {65}, journal = {東北医科薬科大学研究誌, Journal of Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University}, month = {Dec}, note = {A male patient in his 70s with hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)was treated using sorafenib, but treatment was discontinued due to side effects, including renal dysfunction, proteinuria and hand-foot syndrome. he was then hospitalized to undergo HCC treatment using lenvatinib. as lenvatinib caused renal impairment and proteinuria, it was difficult to manage the side effects and set the dosage. Pathological examination of the kidney biopsy revealed that the thrombotic microangiopathy(TMA)observed in the specimen was related to renal dysfunction. Currently, there are fewer drugs for HCC management than for other types of cancer; only 3 anti-vascular endothelial growth factor receptor(VEGFR)drugs, sorafenib, regorafenib and lenvatinib, are available for HCC therapy. Therefore, these drugs should be used carefully for as long as possible. To our knowledge, this is the first report of TMA during lenvatinib therapy for HCC.}, pages = {55--61}, title = {レンバチニブ治療開始後に血栓性微小血管障害をきたした肝細胞癌の1例}, year = {2018}, yomi = {タカハシ, マサノリ and ウスイ, ケンスケ and オカダ, コウジ and コグレ, タカユキ and サトウ, ケンイチ and ナカムラ, ヒトシ and ムライ, ユリコ and ワタナベ, ヨシテル} }