@article{oai:tohoku-mpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000740, author = {小助川, はるな and Kosukegawa, Haruna and 佐藤, 伸輔 and Satoh, Shinsuke and 櫻井, 淳二 and Sakurai, Junji and 石澤, 文章 and Ishizawa, Fumiaki and 宮坂, 智充 and Miyasaka, Tomomitsu and 河野, 資 and Kawano, Tasuku and 小嶋, 文良 and Ojima, Fumiyoshi and 大河原, 雄一 and Ohkawara, Yuichi and 高橋, 知子 and Takahashi, Tomoko}, issue = {64}, journal = {東北医科薬科大学研究誌, Journal of Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University}, month = {Dec}, note = {A diabetic female patient in her 80s being treated with sustained insulin and a dipeptidyl peptidase-4(DPP-4)inhibitor was undergoing hemodialysis. However, her level of glycated albumin(GA), an indicator of glycemic control in diabetic patients undergoing hemodialysis, was greater than 25%; therefore, insulin was increased. Since GA did not decrease even with the increase in insulin, her diabetes medication was switched from a DPP-4 inhibitor to glucagon-like peptide-1(GLP-1)receptor agonist without a change in the units of insulin. GA subsequently decreased, and blood glucose(BG)control improved with no hypoglycemia. When the effects of medication are insufficient, a change to that with different actions may be effective. Therefore, a switch to medication with different actions needs to be considered in order to obtain better therapeutic effects.}, pages = {105--108}, title = {持効型インスリン注射併用薬をDPP-4 阻害薬からGLP-1 受容体作動薬へ切り替え著効を得た糖尿病血液透析患者の1 例}, year = {2017}, yomi = {コスケガワ, ハルナ and サトウ, シンスケ and サクライ, ジュンジ and イシザワ, フミアキ and ミヤサカ, トモミツ and カワノ, タスク and オジマ, フミヨシ and オオカワラ, ユウイチ and タカハシ, トモコ} }