@article{oai:tohoku-mpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000739, author = {川上, 佳織 and Kawakami, Kaori and 倉田, 奈央子 and Kurata, Naoko and 薄井, 健介 and Usui, Kensuke and 大河原, 雄一 and Ohkawara, Yuichi and 岡田, 浩司 and Okada, Kouji and 福士, 大介 and Fukushi, Daisuke and 佐藤, 賢一 and Satoh, Kennichi and 高橋, 知子 and Takahashi, Tomoko and 渡辺, 善照 and Watanabe, Yoshiteru}, issue = {64}, journal = {東北医科薬科大学研究誌, Journal of Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University}, month = {Dec}, note = {A man in his late 80s with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, organizing pneumonia, and chronic pulmonary aspergillosis as an anamnesis was admitted to the Gastroenterology ward for the treatment of a drug-induced hemorrhagic gastric ulcer. Although the gastric ulcer was successfully treated, the following issues were noted in pharmacotherapy for this patient: 1)this patient received excessive drug treatments, including unnecessary medicine, 2)he was unable to inhale a combined corticosteroid and β2-stimulant inhalant preparation in an appropriate maneuver because the device was not suitable for him, and 3)he was hyperglycemic, which was not diagnosed at his admission. These issues were identified and ameliorated due to active interventions by the pharmacist for the patient and doctor in charge. Patients with multiple diseases visit many medical facilities and receive multiple drug therapy, called polypharmacy. It is important for pharmacists, who have a detailed understanding of drug properties and their side effects, to be more active and have better communication with patients.}, pages = {99--104}, title = {薬剤師の介入が薬物療法に有効であった多疾患合併症例}, year = {2017}, yomi = {カワカミ, カオリ and クラタ, ナオコ and ウスイ, ケンスケ and オオカワラ, ユウイチ and オカダ, コウジ and フクシ, ダイスケ and サトウ, ケンイチ and タカハシ, トモコ and ワタナベ, ヨシテル} }